Jiffy Steamer: Handcrafted Quality from Start to Finish
02/22/2017 | Jiffy Steamer

We talk a lot about American-made products and why it’s so important to us, but what does it really take to make handcrafted products in the United States?
A well-rounded, dedicated team
Jiffy Steamer has 825 years collective experience – and counting! Our team has an average tenure of 20.2 years of service at Jiffy. Our employees not only care about the work they do and the product they produce, but they love their jobs. It’s important to us to employ people who care about their work, their family and their community, which is why we invest in our community.
American-made parts
The whole of a product is only as good as the parts that make it. That’s why we choose component manufacturers that produce in the United States and have high quality standards. Once those parts make it to our facility in Union City, Tennessee, they’re hand-assembled into the Jiffy Steamers you know and love.
Our steamers are crafted from stainless steel, brass, copper, incoloy and silicone-braided, color-coded wiring.
Complete quality assurance testing
It takes 52 unique steps on average to assemble a Jiffy Steamer. We don’t blindly trust our parts or our process, we test them constantly. In fact, each and every steamer is tested four separate times before leaving our assembly line. During testing, we ensure each Jiffy Steamer outputs the right amount of steam and will work perfectly for you. Our approach seems to be working as our customers have left us some incredible reviews!
The best guarantee
Our three-year warranty can’t be beat – it is the best in the industry! We’re confidant in offering a three-year limited warranty to cover every steamer we craft and sell because we use the best American-made parts, handcraft each steamer, and test every single one before it leaves the assembly line.
Outstanding customer service
When you contact us during business hours, you’re going to be speaking to a real, live human in our office in Union City, Tennessee. Our customer service will help you assess any issues you experience, or get the repair process started. We have a 24-hour turnaround on all repairs; we promise to fix your steamer and get it back to you as fast as we can. Learn how you can get the most out of your Jiffy Steamer.
It takes time and commitment to create hand-crafted products in the United States, but with the support of our customers, we’ve been in business for 77 years. Thank you!